Colorful Foliage on SunSparkler® Sedum ‘Dazzleberry’

Colorful Spring Foliage

‘Dazzleberry’ was selected not only for its giant 8″ raspberry flowerheads, but also for its pearl-blue foliage which changes colors and intensifies throughout the growing season. This first picture shows the bright spring & early summer foliage color.


Foliage Close-Up





This close-up allows you to see the contrasting pink-red stem coloration against the blue-gray foliage.


1-Gallon Specimen






SunSparkler® Sedum ‘Dazzleberry’ produces a very full-looking 1-gallon specimen which looks great on garden center shelves and transplants easily into the home garden.

Foliage color darkens in mid-summer







Finally, the foliage intensifies as you move into mid-summer and early fall.  This photograph shows the dark, rich smoky purple of ‘Dazzleberry’ foliage as it is loaded with flower buds for its late-summer show.



